I was able to download Android Studio as discussed in the video but I did get a message appear under the downloading components:
Here you will get all possible reasons and solution for intel haxm error in android studio. It is the most common problem faced by android developers. Step by step guide to enabled VTX for intel haxm in android studio. Here enabled VTX for intel haxm in android studio as the following steps. Subscribe & Download. Android for (haxm) - The intel x86 emulator accelerator (HAXM installer) revision 6.0.5 is showing not compatible with windows. Download 7.2 installed. This a screenshot of the sdk manager message showing the emulator as incompatible with windows: I am using android studio, currently version 2.2.3.
Unable to install Intel HAXMYour CPU does not support required features (VT-x or SVM).Unfortunately, your computer does not support hardware accelerated virtualization.Here are some of your options: 1) Use a physical device for testing 2) Develop on a Windows/OSX computer with an Intel processor that supports VT-x and NX
Download Intel Haxm For Android Studio 1
I'm assuming I can still use my computer to continue with the treehouse course but will be unable to use the virtual device for testing output results. Is this correct? And I have an iPhone so cannot test on a physical device..any advice about options would be appreciated.
Please check your Bios for VT-x support. By default its turned off on some machines. AMD calls this feature AMD-v.
cf: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-acceleration
I already enabled virtualization in my Bios settings on my desktop. I installed Android Studio on my laptop which does have an Intel processor and it seems to be working so far.
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Whenever I try to run an app on the Android studio emulator, gives me the pop up warning
Cannot launch AVD in emulator

Emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!
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Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable.
Install Android On Intel Atom
CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed!
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Haxm For Android Studio
However, aside from that warning the emulator still runs (though I'm currently only running the default hello world app)
When I go to Tools > Android > SDK Manager to download the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer) everything goes without a hitch, but I can't run the intelhaxm-android.exe file due to http://i.imgur.com/WruONN9.png. I assume this is because I don't have an Intel processor but I could be wrong.
Is this a problem and if it is can I fix it?
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