Here is a list of items that are missing from my basic building experience..these are things that have created problems for me enough for me to notice, or have limited my options. Curious if anyone came up with or found solutions to some of them:
I found out something today about U-shaped stairs, and I thought I'd share it with everyone. I was test-building U-shaped stairs and L-shaped stairs according. L shaped stairs definition best rustic staircase ideas decoration pictures. Shaped stairs sims 4 l download staircase 3 with double steel plates,shaped stairs l sims 3 download framing with a landing fine stair step line on the periodic table,l shaped stairs revit staircase sims 3 definition quarter turn arch,l shaped stairs sims 4 cc self.
bathroom stalls and stall doors.
*found a mod!
curved walls. (we have curved floors, curved fences, curved roofs..)
booths that work (not a basic, but I paid for them and don't have any)
sky lights and glass walls/roofs (such as in sun rooms and hothouses)
*/u/isibell provided links in comments below!-thank you!!! Transparent Floor/Ceiling Blocks @ Mod The Sims TS3 to TS4 Greenhouse Roof Conversion @ Sims in the Woods A Selection of Skylights @ The Sims Resource Open Air Greenhouse Set (Called Ageless Build Set part 1) @NotEgain Ultra Glass Fence Set @ Mod The Sims
the ability to delete the floor in a first floor room
*/u/minitoast provided a guide and exposed my google laziness in comments below!
Sims 3 L Shaped Stairs Free Download
staircases that go in more than one direction--UGGHGUUGUGGGH
staircases that can be placed diagonally
exterior trim tool so I can add the trims I want, where I want. (And so I can also place them on the outside of a wall when there is a staircase placed against the side..if anyone knows what I mean, and has a tip on how to do this please, save me from myself)
*/u/minitoast provided information on how to do this and exposed my google laziness in comments below: 'For the trim, you hold down the shift key to place it on individual walls. As for the stairs removing the trim/not being able to place the trim around stairs--it's a bug that they never fixed.' --thank you!!
The Sims 3 L-shaped Stairs Download
being able to place columns off-grid
1-tile closets
the textures, trees, shrubs, flowers, fences, and gates they used to create the world
*found liberated items! (there's a lot more, you can peruse and download, modthesims has always been safe for me)
Don't get me wrong..building in The Sims 4 is still a lot of fun. But it is easy to tell just from perusing the exchange that there are still things missing from the experience for a lot of people. Compared to the Sims 3 especially (I am speaking just from the 'building possibilities' angle).
Personally, I think just giving us a better tool for staircases would exponentially expand the creative possibilities in build mode and would really improve the offerings available on the exchange.
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Anyone on here having similar issues? I've tried like 9 times and starting to lose my rag with this game! Ffxiv ps4 unable to download patch files 20512 25008 20495.
And what people come up with is still pretty impressive sometimes!
Sims 4 Stair Mods
edit: updated with notes from some of those who provided help in comments

The Sims 3 L Shaped Stairs Download
- edited February 2014Thanks for making this thread CMWarren! The only thing I am interested in with the new venue is the stairs and I have a couple questions regarding them.
1)Are the stairs open or enclosed with a wall underneath?
2)Can the stairs be placed next to walls, specifically in a corner of a building?
Thank you in advance for your answers! - edited February 2014I have a question on the L-shaped stairs. Is it CAST-able? I think I saw on Azn's review that there are 4 recolors, but I would love it if we could recolor it ourselves.
Are they found in the stairs section of build items? That might be obvious to some, but I was wondering, because I think they act like an object and not like the other stairs. Are they like the spiral staircases coming as one piece?
Thanks for helping me, the non-builder.
I have another question. How big are the stairs? They seem really huge. I would like to know the dimensions, like how many squares it takes up. Thank you! - edited February 2014To help answer some of the questions:
You can put full walls around them, but under the stairs is open.
You can put them in a corner.
They are 3x3 but because you need one tile open for your Sim to enter and exit it's technically 4x4. They look big because they were placed in the venue to be a major focal point. :-)
They are fully CASt able. So you can recolor them to be any texture you wish. - edited February 2014Cool I'm glad their cast able. I was wondering about that.0
- edited February 2014To help answer some of the questions:
You can put full walls around them, but under the stairs is open.
You can put them in a corner.
They are 3x3 but because you need one tile open for your Sim to enter and exit it's technically 4x4. They look big because they were placed in the venue to be a major focal point. :-)
They are fully CASt able. So you can recolor them to be any texture you wish.
Thank you!! - edited February 2014To help answer some of the questions:
You can put full walls around them, but under the stairs is open.
You can put them in a corner.
They are 3x3 but because you need one tile open for your Sim to enter and exit it's technically 4x4. They look big because they were placed in the venue to be a major focal point. :-)
They are fully CASt able. So you can recolor them to be any texture you wish.
Thank you for this info, SimGuruCopeland; much appreciated!
CMWarren, as far as not being able to place the stairs against a wall that has windows, that's the case with regular, modular stairs as well, and with ALL windows, as far as I can tell. I try to place stairs before windows, or just delete/move the windows, place the stairs, then, with MoveObjects On, place the windows back where I want them. I haven't noticed that sims have any problem routing when using this method, but that's with REGULAR MODULAR STAIRS. I don't have the Prism Studio yet, so I don't know how the new stairs will behave.. I also haven't played much recently (more building than playing lately), so I don't know if recent patches have changed anything, and I don't have the two latest patches yet either. I'm probably not in the best position to offer advice, and you may already know this, but just wanted to mention to anyone who doesn't, that the stairs-hate-windows thing has been around a long time; since one of the earliest patches, if not from the very beginning. So, just my two cents to take with a grain of salt..
And thank you for starting this thread; I think it will be very helpful to anyone trying to decide whether to buy the venue or not. - edited February 2014you can wrap them in walls. I put them in a corner, and put walls up next to the inside curve of the stairs, but the half walls don't go up high enough to allow you to have walls extending down from them. maybe someone might create an object you can stick until them that gives that effect.
- edited February 2014My Son was hoping to close the stairs in but you can only add full sized walls which looks a wee bit 'weird'
My Son has jumped on quickly now he is home from school, but it appears that it is a full wall or no wall. The rails also cannot be removed and they do not 'snap' together, the rails remain separate He will have another play around with them tonight using cheats when he has done his homework0 - edited February 2014I asked this in another thread, but poor Aznsensei is stuck at work.
Are the stair railings removable (guessing no)? And if you place objects under the stairs in either the lower or the higher half, can Sims interact with them?0 - edited February 2014
Hello Wallin See my post above They cannot be removedI asked this in another thread, but poor Aznsensei is stuck at work.
Are the stair railings removable (guessing no)? And if you place objects under the stairs in either the lower or the higher half, can Sims interact with them?0 - edited February 2014
Hello Wallin See my post above They cannot be removedI asked this in another thread, but poor Aznsensei is stuck at work.
Are the stair railings removable (guessing no)? And if you place objects under the stairs in either the lower or the higher half, can Sims interact with them?
Whoops, totally missed that, thanks! And what a shame. Oh well0 - edited February 2014I haven't gotten the set yet but can anyone tell me if it is possible with or without using cheats to use these stairs to make u shaped ones by putting a regular straight stair a the landing of the L-shaped one?
- edited February 2014NO BACKDROPS IN TS5, PLEASE!
Please add vehicles and garages! Vehicles have always been part of The Sims. - edited February 2014Thanks for this thread this will help a lot. Yay that they're CAST-able! The only 'boo' I have is in regards to the railing, but at least we've got them at all now.It's kind of sad that I have to point out that anything I say is only just my opinion and may be a different one from someone else.
- edited February 2014You can place the stairs and then put in a window. I did windows that overlapped the stairs at the first steps and the top few (so the windows was above the steps at the bottom and below the stairs at the top.
I haven't tinkered too much, RL always get busier when you want it to go away and leave you alone so you can play, but I've placed plants under the stairs and they look good. Obviously they're not interactive so I'll have to try with playable objects. You do have to moveobjects to get things there.
I like that there isn't a huge unusable gap above the stairs. In fact the L-shape seems to fit a lot more neatly than having a big blocky rectangle.
I also like that the stairs have 4 slots for textures so you can really go to town and play with their look.
I would like at some point a more traditional looking L-stair with shaped wood spindles as these are quite modern looking. I'm not moaning at all as I do love these stairs just plating a seed
I want to try mirrored stairs with stairs uniting at the top rather than at the bottom as in the screen shots. There's the usual 1sq at the top so it should be doable without looking odd provided I can match the railings (or as close as possible). - edited February 2014I think they could've done a better job with this. I can't really use these.
Hmm Would be nice if they were extendable stairs (in width). Landing at different heights. Removable railings. The choice of open or close underneath. Ummm Different architectural styles. Oh and U Shape. Come on, make U Shape Team! You can do it! I believe in you (lol)NO BACKDROPS IN TS5, PLEASE!
Please add vehicles and garages! Vehicles have always been part of The Sims.