When The Bough Breaks Full Movie Free Download

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As it trudges along a predictable path through a formulaic scenario, “When the Bough Breaks” comes across as a Lifetime cable movie that got lucky and won a lottery offering theatrical release as first prize. The presence of a predominantly African-American cast arguably is the only distinguishing characteristic of this by-the-numbers thriller about a childless couple’s unwitting employment of an unstable surrogate mother. Of course, some folks might contend that even a thoroughly ordinary film that provides gainful employment for attractive and talented pros like Morris Chestnut and Regina Hall is worth, at the very least, 106 minutes of anyone’s time. But it’s a safe bet that such charitable souls would prefer to spend that time in the comfort of their living rooms, rather than inside their friendly neighborhood multiplexes.

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Chestnut and Hall are well cast as John and Laura Taylor, a New Orleans power couple — he’s a successful attorney, she’s a celebrity chef — extremely eager to become parents. But after enduring the trauma of three miscarriages, they are ready to work with an agency that matches clients with fertile surrogates. The Taylors are immediately taken with Anna (newcomer Jaz Sinclair), a beautiful young waitress who claims she loves — just loves — helping other people. Just as important, she adds, she plans to use the fee she’ll earn for her help to invest in a business venture with Mike (Theo Rossi from “Sons of Anarchy”), her Mr. Bad Vibes boyfriend.

When Mike appears to dial it up from creepy to abusive, the Taylors invite Anna to move into the guest house of their lush Garden District home. Trouble is, Anna isn’t quite as virtuous, or as harmless, as she seems. And as her pregnancy progresses, she grows ever obsessed with forming closer ties with the inconveniently married father of the baby she is carrying.

Watch When The Bough Breaks Free

Working from a script by Jack Olsen, director Jon Cassar (“Forsaken”) dutifully endeavors to charge “When the Bough Breaks” with alternating currents of apprehension and eroticism. But despite Sinclair’s impressively smooth transition from girlish innocent to alluring sexpot, her character’s attempts at seduction fail to generate much dramatic tension, since there’s never any real doubt about John’s loyalty to Laura — primarily because Chestnut and Hall generate so much heat together. (Or at least as much heat as two semi-nude people can generate during a lovemaking scene in a PG-13 movie.)

Cassar is slightly more successful when it comes to building suspense during the mandatory scenes of violence and danger, despite his reliance on shocks, setups and payoffs best described as generic. How generic? Consider: A pet cat is pointedly acknowledged so many times in the first and second acts that only the most clueless viewers will be stunned when it’s revealed that, sometimes, nine lives are not enough.

When the bough breaks full movie 2016 free download

On the other hand, it should be noted that “When the Bough Breaks” isn’t entirely bereft of surprises. In fact, this probably is the first movie ever made in which a psycho killer stops short of completing an assault because her water breaks.

When The Bough Breaks Full Movie Free Download

  • A lazily written and generically directed Fatal Attraction knockoff.
  • The plot doesn't differ much from last year's parody of these types of movies, A Deadly Adoption ...
  • Writer Jack Olsen's glossy script goes light on logic, credibility and mining some of the story's deeper ramifications, as it works its way toward the inevitable, largely predictable final showdown.
  • Perhaps you were wondering if it were still possible to wring any suspense out of an unbalanced-third-wheel plot. 'When the Bough Breaks,' about a surrogate pregnancy gone horribly wrong, has a definitive answer: No, it isn't.
  • While empathy is first to go in the tasteless When the Bough Breaks, there is nothing good in its place.
  • 'When the Bough Breaks' comes across as a Lifetime cable movie that got lucky and won a lottery offering theatrical release as first prize.
  • A very conservative film that ducks any issues that might be dramatically interesting in order to work up lame suspense sequences.
  • We have seen this same story over and over again and this movie does nothing to give us any new twists.
  • ... woefully generic. Truthfully, its presentable package of panicky polish includes a stylish suspense piece highlighting an attractive cast involved in familiar dramatic cable-TV inspired shrugs and false jolts.
  • Dear Screen Gems, Stop.
  • Give us a When the Bough Breaks with smarter direction.
  • An enjoyable camp fest.
  • Common Sense Media

    9/16/2016 by Jeffrey M. Anderson

    Thrillers in which seemingly harmless outsiders worm their way into safe, secure, middle-class homes and then threaten them were popular in the '90s; this one feels like a pale copy.
  • The movie boasts strong performances by Chestnut and Hall (both of whom are always welcome)... Ultimately, though, all are undone by the tiresome familiarity of Jack Olsen's predictable script and Jon Cassar's limp direction.
  • A neutered, paint-by-numbers snoozefest.
  • This is Cassar's second film this year -- the first was the exquisite Western Forsaken -- and confirmation that he's a filmmaker of uncommon talent and versatility.
  • A predictable and cliched affair featuring seemingly intelligent characters who can't stop making terrible decisions.
  • Slick and polished, but silly and obvious.
  • Awful. Just awful. And while watching it, you get the distinct feeling that everyone involved with When The Bough Breaks knows it, too.
  • We Got This Covered

    9/10/2016 by Robert Yaniz, Jr.

    A promising setup yields nothing but a cliche story and endless logic gaps in When The Bough Breaks, a film with two lead actors who deserve far better material.

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