Afterglow Xbox 1 Controller Driver Download

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The Afterglow Configuration App lets you adjust lighting, vibration levels, and the Multi-Function wheels on your Afterglow Prismatic Controller for Xbox One*. Make sure your controller is always up-to-date with downloadable firmware updates provided through the app. The Afterglow Configuration App available now on your Xbox One! If you already have your Afterglow Prismatic Controller for Xbox One, you’re good to go. Get ready to take full advantage of what the Afterglow Configuration App has to offer. We just can’t wait for you to try it out. Here’s a peek of what you’ll get when you download the app.

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So I got an Xbox One afterglow prismatic controller and I accidentally mapped the control sticks and can't remap them. Anyone know how to reset the controller?


3 Answers

Power the XBOX one console on.

Plug the smaller end of the controllers USB-B micro cable into the top of the controller.

Hold down on the directional pad (D-Pad) and plug the larger side of the USB cable into the XBOX one console while still holding down.


The controllers red LED lights will illuminate and the controller will begin to vibrate. You may then release the down input on the directional pad (D-Pad)

Press A on the controller.

The controller will then stop vibrating and the LED lights will power off. Fully rotate both joysticks in a complete clockwise motion and pull each trigger fully (LT and RT)

Press down on the directional pad (D-Pad)

Let me know if that helps


If any of that doesn't work you can also download the afterglow app on your Xbox One and reset your mapping manually

Nate SeylerNate Seyler

I had the same thing happen when I reset the controller. How to download clash of clans private server pc only. Just reset controller and rotate the joysticks separately and the triggers as well if that makes sense.


Afterglow Xbox 1 Controller Driver Download Full

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