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So since the release of the Galio patch, I've had an absolute nightmare trying to fix my League client which has failed to update around 7 times now, and been giving me a pretty useless Error message telling me that patching has failed and the cause is unknown each and every time. While any potential fix I've tried or found online has failed.
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So far I have tried:
Restarting my machine & Updating
Running the client as Administrator
Changing the directory of League of Legends files
Reinstalling League of Legends
Completely removing all League of Legends files & Reinstalling
Same as above as Administrator with AV Software disabled.
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I don't know what file is particular is causing the problem, but it seems to fail at roughly 50-52% of the way through a complete patch. Though I am now completely out of ideas and willing to try anything to get this damn client to work, I appreciate any input or advice that anyone can give me. Thanks.